

Incentivizing Removals of Pollutants from the environments

There are rising expectations of the world’s population to reduce the effects of man-made climate change and environmental degradation. Corporations are responding to increasing regulatory efforts to mitigate and reverse the effects of pollution through the inclusion of Environmental and Sustainability Goals (ESGs) in their business processes. Various international bodies such as the United Nations have constructed standards or frameworks such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals to guide countries and industries on the path forward.


Two of the key focus areas for business operations center around CO2 emissions and waste generation. Tackling these challenges allow businesses to meet their ESG initiatives and be proactive in meeting the evolving Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation in the markets that which they operate. As the market demand increases for tools and methodologies to confront these challenges, the support for trading offsetting credits in both carbon and plastic is increasing among companies. Crucial to the legitimacy of these actions is the confidence of the administrator and the purchasers that the offsetting activities are producing real-world reductions in either CO2 or waste in the environment.