

Sales Representation

We partner with industry leading manufacturers to deliver focused and responsible representation to promote brand awareness and grow market share. We work closely with our customers – from the production location to the corporate office providing a value-add approach that assists them in securing more business. In every decision we make, we consider how it may affect our manufacturers, our customers, our company and our industry.



If your business is currently searching for new polymers to meet upcoming extended producer responsibility legislation or work towards sustainable development goals – we can help. Our team of specialists have experience in the bio polymers industry to optimally source your needs at the best overall cost. This has a direct impact to the bottom line from utilising existing machines and processes, to maintaining profit margins, and overall success.

PHA Production Process

PHA polymer production can be costly and laborious for new producers.  Often the ratio of PHA to by-products can be 30% or less meaning the by-products need disposal or a secondary selling market that is more than the PHA output.

Customised Bio Polymers

The reality is that existing polymers will not be directly replicated by bio polymers as the performance characteristics will change.  This gives companies a chance to re-evaluate the key performance needs and possibly redesign their offering.